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Herb and Eleanor Nelson
Herb and Eleanor Nelson spent their lives fulfilling a passion to serve
others. Early on, Eleanor was a schoolteacher. Herb served in the US Navy
during World War II...
Rollins and Patsy Roth
Rollins and Patsy Roth are native Texans and life-long Lutherans. Rollins
spent many years working as a geologist in the oil business. He and Patsy
are now retired...
RJ and Robert Nitsche
2020 marked the 30th anniversary of the Jamin Barrett Nitsche Memorial Endowment Fund, a Legacy Deo scholarship fund that has had a...
Lisa Kay Karle Endowment
In 2013 Fred and Karen Karle began their plan for a meaningful way to remember their daughter, Lisa Kay, whom the Lord took home in 1992. Lisa was...
Dorothy Williamson
Dorothy Williamson was born in Oklahoma to a large and loving German Lutheran family.
C.K. Koelle
Claremont Kenneth (C K) Koelle, a devoted farmer, rancher, and Christian gentleman, lived his entire life in Hidalgo County, Texas.
Joan Krause
Joan Krause is a life-long Lutheran who faithfully attends Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Dallas.
Norma Schaefer
Norma Schaefer was a lifelong Lutheran who lived a productive life for 99 and a half years.
Shirley Yoakum
Shirley Yoakum is a delightful lady and active member of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church in San Antonio.
Morales Family Endowment
Frank served in the United States Army and the Marine Corps during World War II. Angelina (Angie) grew up in an East Texas small town.
Herb and Patricia Noack
Herb and Patricia were born and raised in Del Rio, Texas. They dated throughout high school and married in 1964.
Blessed by a Donor's Generosity
Donors can powerfully impact people and real ministry. Here is an illustration...